Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Flatbuffers too new for C# gRPC?

I think I may be stymied by the current version of Flatbuffers.   I find it slightly odd that it doesn't support arrays in structs (though I've seen proposals to fix this).   Also you can't set it to mark particular interfaces as private or internal so you can force encapsulation.  However, I get by all this.

My biggest problem is that the gRPC template generator for Flatbuffers doesn't work with C#.   It works with Java and I could probably generate those and then port them over, but I haven't got that kind of interest in messing with it.

Flatbuffers seems like a huge win in performance over everything else (except maybe Capn'Proto -- I'll have to see how it integrates with gRPC).  However, I might switch over to protocol buffers for a while, at least to prototype with.  I might also think about attaching the serialization layer to the rest of the system via a batch of interfaces which might make the serialization layer pluggable.

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