Monday, April 13, 2020

Webassembly Madness

Spent a lot of time over the weekend getting webassembly jammed into my brain and tooling up.

I looked hard at mono-wasm (now built into the mainline distribution).   It was generating huge wasm files, so putting lots of code I wasn't explicitly adding into it.  I have to look much harder at this.   It seems like they're making an attempt to get the .net foundation classes implemented (though a lot of the code basically throws a "Not Implemented" error).   Still looks promising.  I'd rather the first gen emissaries be c#.   It's not really focused at WASI and embedding yet.  I think the emphasis is mostly for browser use and the DOM.

Discovered that there's a PyPi module with wasmtime in it, so I can embed that and make a test framework.  Trying to get my hello-world modules working in Rust and establishing the tool-chain for all of that.

They split out the wasmtime .net framework into a new package.  I think perhaps that they utterly redid the API, though it seems much easier to use.   It doesn't have to discover the host-wasi modules via reflection, so I can have a call which sets up which api's are available to each class of emissary (a method call can define each method).

I need to learn webassembly assembler.   It's been a good 40+ years since I did assembler regularly, but this one might end up being the ultimate superset assembler.   It would be interesting to build a real assembler for it (rather than the lisp-like fully regularized syntax it has now).

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